New Joomla vulnerabilities

Will they ever get it right? Again there is a new vulnerability targeting Joomla (the CMS formerly known as Mambo) sites. Don’t these guys learn? Mambo/Joomla has a whole track record of vulnerabilities, and the story of the split-up doesn’t sound reassuring too – yet its becoming more and more popular even among professional webmasters! … [Read more…]

Google Trends

Steve Rubel did a nice list of “25 Things I Learned on Google Trends“. I couldn’t resist to do a few on my own: Linux is more popular than Windows XP WordPress is more popular than Typo3 Mambo is less popular than Typo3 Canon and Sony battle head to head with HDV camcorders 3DS Max … [Read more…]

Mambo worm in the wild

Mambo worm via Linux/Elxbot is a backdoor for the Mambo vulnerability. It will search on Google for vulnerable targets. Once it infects a computer it will connect to a predetermined IRC server where the attackers will wait and have the possibility to gain access to the infected computer. I know why I am sticking … [Read more…]

Finally! Staging for Typo3!

It’s TYCon3 – the first Typo3 conference ever – and I didn’t go. In fact I’m still miffed that they declined my lecture, but the real reason is that I suffer from a huge workload and actually NEED my weekends… Fortunately, Kai is there and gives a short report on his blog. The biggest news … [Read more…]

New Typo3 Logo

The newly found Typo3 design team has come up with a custom font and a new logo for Typo3. I’m surprised in a positive way about the logo, mostly because the search for a mascot looked more like a freak show…

I'm miffed…

My paper for a lecture during the first Typo3 conference was declined! Your paper(s) got the following voting: not accepted: Typo3 and Search Engine Optimization / Friendlyness In total, we had more than 60 proposals to select from, but due to limited time and space available only 24 could make it into the conference. We … [Read more…]

WordPress and Typo3

Nuclear Moose has a bad hair day because of WordPress: WordPress is a tremendous tool. It’s being developed by an outstanding group of people but it is the master of the community, not the servant like it should be. Actually I never heard of Nuclear Moose before, and I only came across his blog because … [Read more…]

Captain's log, stardate 318346.75

Day two of my journey into the blogosphere (a word which I actually don’t like too much – it just doesn’t sound “right” to me). The response so far has been – Ahem – overwhelming. Apart from (blog-)search-engine spiders – I had only three presumably human visitors so far, including Mark who gained the prize … [Read more…]