My paper for a lecture during the first Typo3 conference was declined!
Your paper(s) got the following voting:
not accepted: Typo3 and Search Engine Optimization / Friendlyness
In total, we had more than 60 proposals to select from, but due to limited time and space available only 24 could make it into the conference. We want to mention that due to these constraints we had to reject many interesting proposals. However, we are sure we have compiled an interesting mix for the benefit of all speakers and visitors of TYCON3.
With only 60 proposals I had wished for a more personal answer instead of this standard-letter. Yes, I’m hurt!
technozid » Finally! Staging for Typo3!
[…] It’s TYCon3 – the first Typo3 conference ever – and I didn’t go. In fact I’m still miffed that they declined my lecture, but the real reason is that I suffer from a huge workload and actually NEED my weekends… […]