For the first time in many years I realized a few days ago that St. Patricks Day is coming up – usually this only occurs to me a couple of weeks later. I was looking forward to spend the evening today in one of our three Irish pubs in town and have lots of music, lots of Guiness and lots of chat. And then I found out that I had a dentists appointment for yesterday – to get a “wisdom tooth”(?) removed. The procedure was planned for 5-10 minutes, but then it turned out that the tooth was not really cooperative, so that in the end three(!) people worked on me for 45 minutes. I got anesthesia of course so I felt no pain. Nevertheless it was quite exhausting and stressful for me. And a couple of hours later the anesthesia wore off and that is when the “fun” really started for me…
Today it feels much better, but I’m still taking painkillers and I am very cautious what I drink and eat since the wound is still pretty raw. If it continues like that I would be ill advised if I’d join St. Patricks Day tonight, at least in the pubs in my town. However I have seen a few places in Second Life where they celebrate it too. Maybe a virtual St. Patricks Day is better than none at all.
technozid » St. Patricks Day in Second Life
[…] Well, as expected I was in no condition to join St.Paddy in one of our Irish pubs. So I settled to celebrate it in Second Life and there were only two places to do it: Dublin and West of Ireland. The latter one is actually a sim of the “South Texas Celtic Music Association”, and they made a fundraiser that evening. The sim contained about 30 people, and the streamed music was quite nice, but it lacked a certain something, so I went to Dublin. Outside of the Blarney Stone pub there were maybe 40 people, and inside another 10. The lag was quite strong, and the music on the street didn’t stream. The music in the pub did stream though so I stood mostely there and engaged in some conversations. The original Irish attendance was kind of low, there were many people from all over the world, including Spain and Japan as the most unusual ones for an Irish/Celtic festival. Admittedly I didn’t think of making screenshots, so I returned there today and people were STILL dancing and enjoying themselves. But since it was only like ~25 now, the lag was much less and actually the music – modern Irish/Scottish music from (among others) U2, The Pogues, The Corrs etc. was actually streaming. The guy in the “100% Irish” and the tartan trousers is me – it’s the best I could find in terms of Celtic outfit. The guy behind me in the full tartan obviously had a better tailor. All in all it was kinda fun, but I would have preferred a real night in a real pub. As a medicine-imposed substitute it was OK though. […]