Simplicity is boring

“Simplicity is the reward after the challenge of complexity.” That’s actually by me, and I said it spontanously during a nice pub conversation with a business partner and an old friend.

Google Middle Earth

Since I installed Google Earth I wondered if someone mapped the filming locations as placemarks. Quick web searches didn’t reveal much – only one placemark for Helm’s Deep. However tonight I found a very rich collection of Middle Earth placemarks, showing many locations plus the WETA studios. I’m very attached to the Lord of the … [Read more…]

Trust nobody!

For those of you interested in 3D graphics and digital video creation: invest 102 seconds and have a look at the “Making of Stealth” video from Digital Domain. Though it’s probably not the kind of movie I watch (or maybe yes?), those guys rock! Additional information: Stealth at IMDB

Human Ressources at Microsoft…

… tried to hire Eric S Raymond. Hilarious! What were you going to do with the rest of your afternoon, offer jobs to Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds? Or were you going to stick to something easier, like talking Pope Benedict into presiding at a Satanist orgy? (Via Gadgetopia)

Katrina and the waves, part 2

Well, Ms. Leskanich at least has heard of the hurrican: This website contains information on Katrina Leskanich: vocalist, songwriter and recording artist. If you are looking for information on Hurricane Katrina, and how you can help the relief effort, please CLICK HERE to visit the website of the American Red Cross Had I hoped for … [Read more…]

Trucker special

Found this at a truck stop when returning from my vacation. Translation: “Special Menu for Truckers: Minced meat with red cabbage and potatoes incl. 0.02l of Jeam Beam” (obviously they meant Jim Beam). Germany has a 0.5 “promille” (one-tenth of a percent) alcohol limit for drivers. However if you cause an accident, even the slightest … [Read more…]


I had a few days vacation, and I made a trip to the Rhön mountain range, and especially to the “Wasserkuppe” (water peak). This 950 meter mountain is especially well known since it is widely considered to be the birthplace of gliding and sailplanes. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the airfield was buzzing … [Read more…]

100 days of blogging

It’s now 100 days since I started this blog. In my country, it is a custom to evaluate a change (like a new ruling party, a new president, a new manager) after 100 days. So let’s evaluate my first 100 days of blogging.